We’ve been using search engines like Google for over 20 years. And we’ve been trained to type keywords into a search box and wait for results. While this method has served us well, Generative AI (GenAI) offers a more advanced approach.

Let’s first look at the traditional search process: 

  1. Crawling: Web crawlers move across the internet, finding new sites and updated pages. 
  2. Indexing: This step involves analyzing the found content and storing it in a database called the search index. It evaluates elements like keywords, tags, and headers to determine the content’s relevance. 
  3. Ranking: When users input a query, the search engine checks the index to find the most relevant web pages. It then ranks these pages and shows them to the user. 

In this system, keywords are essential. They are the terms users put into search engines. Having these keywords on your webpage can boost its visibility in search results. Still, users often have to go through multiple pages from their search results to find what they need. 

GenAI offers a different approach: 

In short, GenAI focuses more on understanding the user’s needs rather than just matching keywords. And as search needs change, users can adjust their queries for better results.

It’s no longer just relying on keywords but using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand what you’re looking for. And you’ll get more relevant results as well as saving you time from going through multiple websites. Plus, if you ever want to refine what you’re looking for, you can edit your prompt.