Agents Power Digital Assistants with Real-Time Data

Enhance your digital assistant’s capabilities by integrating real-time data and automation, transforming user interactions into personalized experiences.

A graphic of a student interacting with an educational interface displaying options for electrical engineering courses. The interface shows sections for "Signals & Systems," "Electromagnetic Fields," and "Advanced Circuit Theory" with prompts to enroll or download course materials. A person is smiling in a circle overlay at the top right, suggesting a supportive conversational agent.

What are Agents?

Agents are specialized tools that allow your digital assistant to perform tasks beyond simple question and answering. These agents interact with third-party systems, retrieve real-time data, and execute specific operations, enabling the assistant to handle a wide range of scenarios. Whether it’s helping a site visitor complete a purchase or booking a reservation, or getting them to fill out a form, agents extend the capabilities of your assistant to create more engaging user experiences.

Because of our AI reasoning engine, marketers and developers do not need to write any code to figure out when to call one agent versus another. Our AI reasoning engine in the digital assistant knows what agents are available to it, and based on what the user asks, it can initiate an agentic workflow where it can call multiple agents in order to accomplish specific tasks for the user. Let’s say a user asks about their support ticket – an agent can find out the status of it, or a user wants to book an activity – that user can make that reservation, and more.

Agent Toolkit

We’ve built out-of-the-box agents that your digital assistant can call to initiate a workflow or complete a task for a user.

Our agents include: 

  • Email Sending Agent: Compose and send emails with specified content. 
  • SMS Agent: Get text messages.
  • Google Maps (Directions) and Google Places Agent: Offer directions and location details through Google Maps. 
  • CRM Integration (Salesforce, HubSpot): Personalize interactions by accessing customer data. 
  • Salesforce Case Management: Check on the status of your cases.
  • Google Search and Web Scraping Agent: Search the web, retrieve, and summarize relevant content for user queries. 
  • Math Agent: Perform complex calculations and provide instant results. 
  • Stock Agent: Access up-to-date stock market data. 
  • Weather Agent: Deliver current weather conditions and forecasts. 
  • Date/Time Agent: Provide accurate date and time information. 
  • Custom Data Parsing: Extract and manipulate data from JSON, XML, or other formats. 

And more: Explore a growing list of agents designed to meet your specific needs. 

A conversation interface showing a dialogue where a user asks for materials to prepare for a pitch in the automotive industry. The response suggests available case studies and a competitor analysis, with icons indicating "Drive business results" and "Automotive Trends" as topics, and an image of a modern electric car, all suggesting a focus on business strategy and market insights within the automotive sector.

Create Your Own Custom Agent

Create custom agents that cater to your specific business needs. Custom agents can be built using webhooks, allowing integration with any JSON REST API. This enables your assistant to perform specialized tasks, such as accessing proprietary data, executing CRM queries, or automating complex workflows. This flexibility allows your assistant to not just answer questions, but also take real-time actions that drive business results.

Organizations can connect their backend systems to a digital assistant via JSON REST API, empowering users to complete tasks through digital assistants in ways that were not previously possible. Systems like marketing automation platforms, CRMs, and other technologies typically offer JSON REST APIs, enabling easy integration. While ai12z will continue to develop out-of-the-box agents, brands also have the option to build custom agents that integrate with their own backend systems. 

An image of a customer support scenario showing a friendly male representative with a headset. The background displays an abstract design and overlaying digital interfaces of a chat conversation with different user icons, suggesting a multi-tasking environment where a support agent is managing multiple customer interactions simultaneously

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